Saturday, August 31, 2019

Prognosis by Morris West Essay

1) Judeo-Christian Ethics:When people call America a â€Å"Christian nation,† they’re referring to the Judeo-Christian morals that shaped our country. Our strong sense of right and wrong kept corruption to a minimum, our Protestant work ethic caused Americans to be productive, and our belief in rights given by God, not government shaped our national philosophy. Respect for Christian values is a part of the fabric of our country that goes right back to our founding. Even if many people wouldn’t realize it until it is too late, an America where Christianity isn’t an important part of everyday life would no longer be America in any meaningful sense. 2) A Powerful Military: There’s a lot to be said for â€Å"soft power,† but it pales in comparison to raw military might. The United States was not always a great military power, but once the Civil War was over, we started to assert ourselves. Since WWII, we’ve had the finest military on Planet Earth. That one factor does more to insure our freedom and the safety of our allies than every other factor combined. As Reagan said, â€Å"History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.† At least for now, no nation could be so foolish as to believe that a potential fight with the United States would be cheap. 3) Western Culture: If the entire population of Venezuela, Iran, or South Africa were here in the United States and all of us were gone, this country would quickly turn into a pesthole, just like all of those nations because they’re culturally inferior to us. On the other hand, Western culture has produced ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, Britain, the United States and a host of lesser nations that are still more successful than 90% of the planet. The emphasis in Western culture on individualism, innovation, Christianity, capitalism, science, technology, freedom and individual rights has given us an enormous advantage that we are sadly eroding with our foolish embrace of multi-culturalism. 4) Geography: We can’t underestimate the importance of being a large, resource-rich nation that’s isolated from powerful foes. Had Britain been considerably closer, it’s possible that we may have been unable to break away and take control of our own destiny. If we had powerful adversaries to our North and South, we may have had great difficulties when our nation was young and we were just finding our strength. If we had been closer to Europe, our homeland might have been decimated during WWI and WWII. If God had given us first choice of places to  found a nation, this is where we would have ended up. 5) Industrial Capacity: Economically, America managed to take full advantage of the Industrial Revolution and most people still don’t realize how important our ability to churn out material was to winning WWII. Just to give youone of many examples, â€Å"By 1944 America built 96,300 planes, more planes than were possessed by the Axis combined and this does not include British and Soviet production. The Germans built 40,000 war planes in 1944, but the arrival of P51 Mustangs in the skies over Germany resulted in the destruction of the Luftwaffe. And American production was 75 percent combat aircraft†¦..This was the peak of production, an incredible 11 planes an hour were rolling out of American aircraft plants.† We lack this capacity today and make up for our inability to mass produce weaponry by creating high quality war machines. This is a potentially dangerous strategy because if a large chunk of our superior weaponry were ever destroyed somehow, it would take us an inordinately long time to rebuild it. 6) A Merit-Based Society: America’s lack of an aristocracy, tribes, and castes helped allow the cream to rise to the top in our society. Although we certainly weren’t perfect in this regard as any slave or woman throughout most of our history could tell you, we were well ahead of much of the rest of the world. The fact that we’re still regarded by the rest of the world as a â€Å"land of opportunity† is one of our greatest strengths, although our antiquated immigration system does little to take advantage of this fact. The more we penalize success as a society, the more stratified, stagnant and sterile we’ll become as a country. 7) A Constitution That Limited Centralized Government: Nothing could be more fundamentally American than a deep and abiding distrust of government. That’s why the Constitution was specifically designed to keep our own government from oppressing the people. This contributed mightily to our success because the bigger and more powerful the government becomes, the smaller, weaker and poorer the people become. Our Founding Fathers understood this and were fanatical about small, decentralized government. The further we move from that principle, the more economic stagnation, frightening levels of debt, and potentially dangerous tyranny we’ll see from our own.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A History of Greece Essay

Western Civilization owes much of its development to Greek history because most of the current principles and knowledge of man was derived from this ancient culture. The foundations of mathematics, science, medicine, philosophy, politics and even the different forms of art nowadays were first established long before Christ was born in these Mediterranean islands. The Bronze Age (3000 BCE to 1100 BCE) Bronze became a heavily used metal in Greece during 3000 B. C. It was used to make different tools and ancient battle weapons that were all part of Greek daily life. The three great civilizations that are worth studying were born on different parts of Greece. The Minoans settled on Crete at around 2600 B. C. This community got its name from Minos, a legendary son of Zeus, who ruled Crete and rid it of sea pirates (Minos, 2007). By the year 2000 B. C. , these people were able to establish a very dynamic community life marked by favorable trade activities that helped make its citizens rich. The people of Minoa became known for their palaces and socio-economic political organization. The first evidence of Greek writing called Linear A, came from this period. There remain specific evidences that Minoans held great but peaceful influence over the islands of the Aegean despite being naval conquerors. At around 1500 B. C. , records seem to imply that a volcano on Santorini erupted which caused major earthquake and huge tidal waves that could have wiped out the Minoan civilization (Greeka, n. d. ). Mycaenaeans, another community evidenced to have come from the north in around 2000 B. C. , settled on the main island and became the center of trade after the reign of the Minoans. The previous centuries’ records show that these two civilizations had a complex relationship in that it had strong business connections to each other but were also competing in their dominance of the Mediterranean. However, with the sudden disappearance of the Minoan civilization, the Mycenaeans became the trade hub during the 1400 B. C. to 1200 B. C. with â€Å"much of the Minoan cultural tradition transferred to the main island† (Mycenaean Civilization, 2007). Some of their differences with the Minoans, however, were shown through their use of armors in battles and better fortified territories. Mycenaeans are also noted for their beards. The people of Mycenaea chose to live in smaller units or kingdoms but were united by one dialect. The story of the Trojan War seems to be based on some facts between the Mycenaeans and the â€Å"inhabitants of the Troad, or Troas, in Anatolia† which is now Turkey (Trojan War, 2007). There are indications that when Troad was afflicted by a terrible fire, the Mycenaeans wanted to conquer the city. The greatness of Mycenaean community ended at around 1200 B. C. when â€Å"crops began to fail and famine† gripped Greece (Ancient Greeks, n. d. ), This caused â€Å"peasant rebellions and internal warfare (Greeka, n. d. ). The Cycladic community began in the different isles of the Aegean which were in the middle of Crete and mainland Greece. The Cyclade area was a vital location because it was the Greece’s business connection to the rest of Europe and Asia from which the Greeks learned many of their agricultural practices. This time period was characterized by a very fast growth in population and very dynamic development in all aspects of society. Sculpture using marble and pottery were popular art forms during this period in this area of Greece. The Dark Ages (1100 B. C. to 800 B. C. ) The Dark Ages are called so because little evidence could indicate what happened during this time frame. There are some findings that Dorians, a Greek-speaking tribe from the North, may have caused the decline of Mycenaean civilization. â€Å"The Dorians kept power entirely to themselves, creating a ruling military class which they solely occupied’ (Dorian, 2007). It seems that the centralized systems were broken and that monarchies dominated the political structure. This period’s significant contribution to Greek history, however, seems to show that it was at this time when Homer wrote the Iliad which included the epic of the Trojan War (Greeka, n. d. ). Archaic Period (800B. C. to 500 B. C. ) During the Archaic Period, Aristocratic Republics replaced the political structure of Greek civilization and foreign influence abound. It is during this time that human and mythological figures began to appear in different art forms. The first Olympic game was held in 776 B. C. wherein a cook named Koroibas won the 600 foot race called stadion (The Games, n. d. ). These festivals were held for the God on Mount Olympus, Zeus. People felt that Greece at his point in time, was overpopulated and began to migrate to other European territories bringing with them their advanced culture. Coins became a currency at around 600 B. C. (Ancient Greek Civilizations, 2003) due to the influence of traders from Asia Minor where the first coin was supposedly made. Panathenaic festivals became popular sometime in 566 B. C. This very important occasion celebrated for numerous days sometime between July and August, supposedly Athena’s birthday, was well-anticipated because anyone can join except for slaves. It consisted of contests, processions and sacrifices (The Panathenaic Festival, n. d. ). Democracy Another very significant contribution of this period is the birth of democracy in Athens at around 508 B. C. There were two types of people in Greece. Men who were born in the city they resided in were called citizens while all other individuals are considered non-citizens. Only citizens have the choice of politicians and vote in plebiscites. There were large conventions called â€Å"The Assembly† that must be attended by at least 6, 000 citizens before it was considered official enough to be heard by the government. This meeting was done regularly wherein citizens may address their concerns regarding laws that needed to be implemented. A body of law-makers called Council was made up of 500 citizens which was changed annually. The members held the task of making new laws and debated on how these could be best implemented. Life in Greece There was an â€Å"agora† in the middle of each Greek city (Ancient Greeks, n. d. ) which was sort of like a town square wherein merchants can trade their various goods whether native or foreign. This was the center of commerce wherein anyone, even foreigners, was allowed to buy what they wanted. It was also where men may hang out to with friends, know the latest political announcement or trade views with foreigners. Very few women could be seen in the agora and they were mostly female slaves who have been sent by their rich masters to shop for market goods. The most important infrastructure of the city were built around the agora. Because of the hot climate, Greeks prefer to wear light clothes which are evidenced on the carvings that present-day archeologists have been able to study. Depending on the warmth, some men even prefer to wear only their loincloth. During cold weather, they place a cloak over their normal clothes which are tunics or â€Å"chitons† – square shaped textile that are held at the shoulders using pins and around the waist by belts (Ancient Greeks, n. d. ). Women often wore a fancier shorter version called a peplos that was worn on top of the chiton. To take off boredom, these tunics were usually dyed and embroidered according to tastes. Protection for the feet was usually used when outside of the house and these came in the form of sandals and leather boots. Brooches and pins were necessary jewelry to fasten their chitons. The women adored every form of jewelry. The wealthy females also used make-up and allowed their slaves to fix their hair according to what was in fashion. At around 500 B. C. , men saw it fashionable to wear beards and short hair styles. Greek women family members usually shared the tasks of cooking but the wealthier ones could hire slaves to handle the responsibility. The diet was a merry mixture of fruits and vegetables during the summer and dried versions during the winter. Sometimes, the families are able to store enough fruit and make cheeses in summer months which could be enough to tide them over the winter. Those who were near the sea enjoyed its produce as long as the weather permitted a catch. Meat was considered to be an expensive food and the poor of society cannot afford it. When occasions do allow the impoverished to eat meat, they take advantage of the situation to eat every edible part†¦even the brains. The Role of Women in Greece Women enjoyed very little freedom in Greek society. Only wealthy women were allowed to get music or writing lessons at home. Only the rich seven year old boys were sent to the gymnasium (school) and returned after eight years to wait for another three years to become citizens. However, girls were not allowed to get education outside of the confines of her house. Much of a girl’s knowledge in music, dancing, cooking and weaving are imparted by their mothers. They were expected to follow whatever their husbands or fathers asked. A girl can get married even when she is just fifteen years old and is expected not to go back to her former home anymore. It is the wife’s responsibility to run the chores of the house and ensure the good services of the slaves. Because the streets were considered unsafe, most women are tied down to spend most of their time at home. Every now and then, the husband may give the woman a reprieve from boredom by taking her to the theater or allowing her to be accompanied outside the house by a male servant. Aside from doing housework, women made the clothes, blankets and whatever textile needs of their families. They also were expected to prepare the food needed for winter. How the Gods Influenced Greece The Greeks believed in many gods and built temples for each one. Each god was powerful up to a certain extent depending on what they ruled on: Poseidon was the god of the Sea, Hades ruled the underworld, Hera was the goddess of youth, Aris was the god of war, Athena was the goddess of wisdom, Apollo was the god of truth, and many more. Whenever misfortune beset them, the Greeks believed that these were caused by the gods’ anger. The temples were usually constructed on hilltops to show that the god or goddess was protecting their community. The area on which a temple is built is called acropolis. One can tell the riches of the city by looking at its temples. The wealthy ones built their temples using stone and had many different forms of artwork to beautify it. Each temple had a huge statue of the god or goddess. Athens built their statue of Athena using ivory and gold (Ancient Greeks, n. d. ). Sacrifice offerings such as food and animals were placed on a table within the temple before the individual pursues to worship his god in the courtyard which had an altar. Intellectual Growth in Greece Although the Greeks attributed most of the occurrences of their daily lives to the activities of the gods, at around 500 B. C. , they began to find out more about the world. Philosophers and many scholars who thirsted for more knowledge regarding mathematics, medicine, astronomy and geography lived during this time. Some of these famous people are Plato, who wrote about politics, Aristotle whose interest led him to discover many information on biology, Parmenides who hypothesized that the world was spherical, Archimedes who invented the Archimedian screw that spiraled irrigation to high farmlands and Phythagoras who is still popular in the mathematical arena for his right angles. The Abode Most homes in Greece at that time were made of stone or clay. There were bungalows and two-storey houses with roofs made of tiles or reeds. The flooring was also made of tiles to ensure the cool temperature inside the houses. These houses were built in the middle of courtyards with walls and a sturdy gate. Altars were not only found to be in the temples but also within the courtyards of the houses as well. This was where the family members can worship their gods and leave their food and wine as offerings. Wood was the primary element used to make furniture but these can sometimes be accentuated with ivory and different metals. More families lived in the rural areas compared to the cities wherein the rich usually prefer to reside. The wealthy may have residences in the city while their servants take the responsibility of maintaining their countryside homes. The poorer farmers had the help of the children to do the agricultural chores such as herding sheep and goats or ploughing the fields. Crops like grapes and olives grew well in the stony land but wheat to make bread had to be bought from Egyptians. These grapes either became raisins or wine while the olives became oil or pickles. Farmers also took care of farm animals because they are excellent sources of basic needs like clothing, milk and meat. The Persian Wars The Persian Wars began to affect Greek life in 490 BC, â€Å"with a Persian invasion in Greece led by Darius the Great of Thrace† (History of Ancient Greece, n. d. ). Darius’ army was almost crushed by his first attempt to conquer the Danube if not for the Ionian Greeks who were his allies at that time. However, this made the Ionians realize that they should rebel from the empire and they asked for the support of the other city-states to go against Persia. This started the popularly known Ionian Revolt. Only the Athenians gave ships to the effort and were able to win the war. The Persians proudly retaliated, recaptured their supremacy in the battle of Lade in 494 B. C. and destroyed the city of Miletus by massacring or enslaving the inhabitants (Setzer, n. d. ). Angered by the Athenian bravado, Darius sought to battle on mainland Greece at around 492 B. C. but the ship that held his army became badly hit by a storm. Another fleet was sent and this time, Eretria was completely destroyed. The next target was Athens and the army went onshore at Marathon which led towards Athens. The Athenians tried to ask Spartans for help but due to â€Å"a religious festival, the Spartans were detained, and the 10,000 Athenians had to face the Persians aided only by 1,000 men from Plataea† (Greco-Persian Wars, 2007). However, the Athenians under the leadership of ten generals including Miltiades, were able to block this attempt which made the Persians retreat and reorganize to try and attack from the Saronic Belf. They were surprised to find the Athenian army back in their territory and ready to fight them again. The Persians went back to Asia Minor, defeated. A runner was sent to Athens to deliver the good news and this was how the Marathon Race got its name (The Persian War, n. d. ). After a decade from the first attempt of invasion, Darius’ son, Xerxes took the throne of Persian Emperor and wanted to target Greece. His strategy involved less violence because instead of attacking head on, he decided it would be best to send envoys to start negotiating with the different cities to surrender without battle. He constructed a bridge at Hellespont and ensured that a canal was dug across the isthmus to protect his army from storms while rounding the Cape of Mount Athos (Setzer, n. d. ). He collected his troops from every satrapy (territory within the Persian Empire) which numbered about 150,000 of the best soldiers from Persia and Mede while his naval fleet had about 1200 ships that were prepared against an estimated 300 brave warriors from Athens and Sparta. The large army of the Persians resulted to a slower pace in their attack and this gave the Greeks a chance to plan out their defense (Greco-Persian Wars, 2007). The different cities of Greece held a meeting to plan their defense which resulted to the delegation of the army to Sparta while Athens was in-charge of the navy fleet under Themistocles, an Athenian statesman (Kreis, 2006). They also consulted the Delphic Oracle. The oracle of Delphi was at Mount Parnassus where a Pythia (woman supposedly used by the God Apollo as his medium) could be asked to predict answers to their questions (Roach, 2001). The Pythia foretold that they would lose the battle and that their only chance of success was through a wooden wall. There were so many interpretations that could mean â€Å"wooden wall† but in the end, the Athenians took it to imply that the wooden walls were their ships. The Spartans suggested that the only way to position themselves well against the great army of Persia was by blocking them at the Isthmus of Corinth. The Athenians and authorities from Central Greece did not agree because their territories will be pillaged by the Persians before they reach the Isthmus of Corinth. However, Evaenetus, commander of the 10,000 Hoplites who decided to help Greece agreed with Sparta and so the minute number of soldiers repositioned themselves at the Isthmus of Corinth. The Spartans and Hoplites were at an advantageous position in Thermopylae until a â€Å"traitorous Greek led a Persian force through the hills to the rear of the Greek forces† (Kreis, 2006) for a surprise attack that led to a massacre. On the naval side, the Athenians left their city which allowed the Persians to burn it. Themistocles realized that battling with the Persians in the open sea will make them lose because of their minute number. He realized that the only way to win against the Persians was to turn their large army into their own handicap. This he did in the Battle of Salamis – a very narrow strait between Athens and the Island of Salamis. â€Å"He sent his best slave to Xerxes to tell him that the Greek navy was retreating to the Isthmus of Corinth to form a combined force with the army† (Moerbeek, 1998). He tricked Xerxes by sending a misleading message that the time of the Persian army to attack was at hand. Xerxes then allowed his unsuspecting contingent to enter the strait between Athens and the island of Salamis where a surprise attack by the Greeks was waiting for them. This caused the eventual defeat of the Persians. By 479 B. C. , the Greek forces had all conquered the Persian army and navy (Kreis, 2006). Conclusion The fast paced development of civilization owes its foundations to the very intelligent and industrious Greeks. Every aspect of modern day life has its roots on Ancient Greek mathematics, logic, philosophy, science, art and even politics. Wars were intelligently won through cunning minds and not annihilating weaponry. Our modern world can truly learn so much just by looking at its past. References Ancient Greek Civilizations. (2003). In Minnesota State University Mankato Online. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from http://www. mnsu. edu/emuseum/prehistory/aegean/timeline. html Ancient Greeks. (n. d. ). In Anglia Campus Online. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from http://www. angliacampus. com/public/pri/history/greeks/index. htm Dorian. (2007). In Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Retrieved June 12, 2007, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online: http://www. eb. com:180/cgi-bin/g? DocF=micro/175/77. html Greco-Persian Wars. (2007). In Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Retrieved June 12, 2007, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/ebc/article-9037907 Greeka. (n. d. ). Greece History: Stone – Bronze Age. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from http://www. greeka. com/greece-stone-bronze-age. htm History of Ancient Greece. (n. d. ). In Think Quest. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from http://library. thinkquest. org/10805/history-g. html Kreis, S. (2006). Lecture 7: Classical Greece. In The History Guide. Retrieved June 12, 2007, from http://www. historyguide. org/ancient/lecture7b. html Minos. (2007). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9052881 Moerbeek, M. (1998). Warfare in Hellas. Retrieved June 12, 2007, from http://monolith. dnsalias. org/~marsares/warfare/battle/salamis. html Mycenaean Civilization. In The Columbia Electronic Encyclopledia, 6th ed. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from http://www. infoplease. com/ce6/history/A0834633. html The Panathenaic Festival. (n. d. ). Brooklyn College Classics Department. Retrieved June 12, 2007, from http://depthome. brooklyn. cuny. edu/classics/dunkle/athnlife/rligious. htm The Persian War. (n. d. ). In Think Quest. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from http://library. think quest. org/CR0210200/ancient_greece/persian_war. htm Roach, J. (2001). Delphic Oracle’s Lips May Have Been Loosened by Gas Vapors. In National Geographic News. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from http://news. nationalgeographic. com/ news/2001/08/0814_delphioracle. html Setzer, T. (n. d. ). The Persian Invasion of Greece. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from http://www. cais- soas. com/CAIS/History/hakhamaneshian/greece_invasion. htm Trojan War. (2007). In Encarta Encyclopedia. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia: http://encarta. msn. com

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Strength of Materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strength of Materials - Essay Example Braun (2006) claims that elastic structure deformation when under a certain load reduces the maximum potential strain energy as per the virtual work principles. The deformed structures strain energy relies mostly on the load applied as well as on the structural design of the whole body. With prescription of the elastic properties of the structural members, the topology and the load exerted on the structure, the strain energy of the structure under particular load becomes a function of the nodal co-ordinates of the undeformed structure. To enhance the rigidity of the structure the nodes can be relocated in a particular way to reduce or minimize the strain energy. Material or configurational forces which maintain the shape of a particular structure are achieved through deriving the strain energy regarding the nodal coordinates. These forces when released make the structure take a shape with less or minimized strain energy thus the structure gets more rigidity. Some nodes require to be fixed because of constructional purposes for the optimization of the process. The support and applied loads locations can not be altered. The analysis of strain gauges gives a significant benefit to functional structures by directly assessing the state of resistance and movement of a particular structure in the mechanical environment where it runs. ... They are also applicable where the assumptions of simple shape of a certain structure defined loading of theoretical analyses are hard to obtain thus the strain gauges can be employed to provide significant information pertaining these. The strain gauges are useful to finding several functional analyses and information regarding performance of individual beams which leads to functional interpretations of structural design (Swartz, 1991). Strain gauges are gadgets used for measuring distance changes between several points in solid bodies when they experience some deformations. Work done in producing deflection of the body produces strain energy that is deflected in the strain gauge. They get information which is used in finding the stresses in those bodies or indicate and measure quantities such as pressure, force, electrical resistance and acceleration. They exhibit a change in resistance that is proportional to the mechanical strain exerted in the bodies. Most common strain gauge includes the insulating flexible backing that gives support to a pattern of a metallic foil. It is attached to the body and deforms as the body deforms leading to electrical resistance due to the alteration which is measured with the use of a Wheatstone bridge that relates the strain to a quantity termed as gauge factor. The gauge factor, Given, Refers To the Undeformed Gauge Resistance =Change in Resistance Due To Strain andStrain Metallic foil gauges have gauge factor a little more than two. Given, BV-bridge excitation voltage. Gauges used in measuring temperature variations detect change in size of the object due to thermal expansion as a strain and indicates in the gauge. This causes the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Circuit Soldering Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Circuit Soldering Assignment - Essay Example It normally commences melting at 183 degree centigrade. Plastic solder differs subject to the proportion of tin and lead. Exhaust fan aids in preventing an individual from inhaling the solder fumes in the soldering station. Safety goggles prevents flying solders from entering the eyes of the person undertaking soldering process whilst clips aids in holding the work piece being join (Jepson, Tyler & Gregory, pp. 178-198). Moistening action is the flush action of solder, which normally develops intermetallic connection amidst the sections. It occurs when hot solder encounters with the copper surface forming a metal solvent action thereby making the solder to dissolves and infiltrates the prevailing copper surface. This makes the molecules of solder and copper to blend thus forming a new alloy with one part copper and the other solder (Jepson, Tyler & Gregory, pp. 167-189). The process solely occurs when the superficial of copper does not have impurity and corresponding oxide film. Suitable solder links is accomplished with cleaned surfaces with solvents before soldering process. Fluxes are utilized in overcoming oxide film on electronic and it mainly entail normal or synthetic rosins and chemical additives. A flux removes oxide during the soldering operation via flux action, which is extremely corrosive at the solder melt temperatures (Jepson, Tyler & Gregory, pp. 167-189). Melt temperature is normally responsible for the flux’s capability to rapidly removal of oxides. Nevertheless, in its underlying unheated state, rosin flux is normally in the non-corrosive and non-conductive thus does not affect circuitry. Moreover, fluxing action aids in removal of oxide, prevention of reformation of the new oxides thus allowing the solder to form the preferred intermetallic

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Marketing - Essay Example Positioning strategies aims to ensure that an organization’s names pops up in the minds of consumers whenever services in their field of expertise are required. Differentiation strategies ensure that the products and services offered to the market are unique compared to those offered by their competitors. This gives an organization the edge over their competitors when battling for consumers in that particular market (Guidry, 2011). These strategies are implemented in a number of businesses, including hospitals and other health care facilities.   An example that can is used to showcase their use is the comparison between Bon Secours St. Mary's Hospital and HCA Henrico Doctor's Hospital that are both located in Richmond VA. Both of these hospitals function independently but are part of larger organizations that have other hospitals in the Richmond area and throughout the United States.   Though these two organizations essentially offer similar services to their clientele pos itioning and differentiation strategies are used to ensure that they stand out from their competitors as they strive to develop a better grasp on the region’s market. ... This hospital has created marketing strategies that have ensured its survival over the years most notably in this case positioning, and differentiation strategies. The differentiation strategies used by the hospital is seen in the types of services that it offers the clients who visit their premises. One service includes: Bon Secours for Women. This is an initiative launched by the hospital and aims to offer specialized healthcare services to the women who visit the hospital (Bon Secours Health System, Inc., 2012).   Bon Secours for Women deals with medical issues that solely affect women, such as giving birth and parenting issues that follow afterwards.   Classes and education is offered and presented to consumers on  breastfeeding, parenting  and management of any complication that may arise after the birthing process, such as the care of wounds for women who have had to undergo a Caesarian section. Though these services are offered by other hospitals as well, St. Mary's Ho spital has gone a step farther by setting it aside from the other medical services on offer, thus making the women who seek these services from their hospital believe that they are cared for and appreciated, unlike other healthcare facilities whereby these services are alligned with the rest of the medical care that they have to offer.   Bon Secours for Women  concentrates on a particular niche in the market, which is women, and their needs.   They aim their marketing toward women customers who prefer specialized care when dealing with any medical issues. Home care services are another specialized area for Bon Secours.   This is also another clever way of differentiating the hospital’s services from those offered by other

Monday, August 26, 2019

Bioethic issue Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bioethic issue - Assignment Example Hence, the controversy centers on the moral implication of interrupting with the human embryos. The religious groups regard the destruction of the embryo as abortion. The group holds that embryo forms life, and it is unethical and immoral to interfere with life. Similarly, the politicians argue that the use of stem cells is a devaluation of the human life (Gold 1). In this respect, the furtherance of the research will enhance the destruction of human life. Likewise, a section of scientists contends that the current practice of using adult stem cells in therapies is enough. Thus, the opponents believe that a need does not exist to warrant the scientists to carry out researches using embryonic stem cells. Research on the embryonic stem cells is not ethical and immoral as perceived by the public. The public should understand that embryonic stem cell has the potential of introducing new treatment of some of the costly diseases. In effect, the cost of many diseases in terms of suffering and monetary aspects implies the ethical concerns raised by the public are inadequate to discontinue the promising therapy. The legal abortion is the source of embryos, and thus the public should not view stem cell research as unethical. Therefore, the public should have a balanced view of the stem cell

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Pipeline Project in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pipeline Project in Canada - Essay Example However, it needs a Presidential Permit as aforementioned. The projects overall positive effects will be considered. The pipeline project is in accordance firstly with the National Environment Policy Act. However an alternate route still needs to be found to avoid the Sand Hills region of Nebraska, which is an environmentally sensitive area (Flynn & Burnett, 2012). About The Project Many republicans, labor groups and industry groups support the pipeline project as they believe that it would bring about the opportunity of thousands of jobs in the US not only during its construction, but after it as well. It would also reduce dependence on oil from abroad since it would lead to the US having access to the largest oil reserve. Since if the project continues, it would bring in 700,000 barrels of oil to US daily which would be less the price and double the amount that it currently imports from Middle East. It is a project that needs to be ready and started and Republicans do not understan d Obama’s move for delaying the project (Belogolova, 2011). The project is also estimated to bring in an increase of $20 million spending in private sector of the economy, and at a point where oil demand is weak and unemployment is rising, it will spur the economy. Also, if this project is approved, it will spur all aspects of the economy, which is becoming weaker and more dependent on imports (Belogolova, 2011). During construction of the pipeline alone, there is estimated to be a $20 billion increase in spending in the economy, and 118,000 jobs are expected to be created as well. 585 million dollars are also expected to be raised for both local and state taxes that are going to be on the route of the pipeline (transcanada). Many labor unions have also signed with TransCanada because of the perceived benefits of the project on jobs, employment and revenue. They have even signed terms of agreement with the company however, due to President Obama’s recall, their jobs ar e not established as of yet. This is also a privately financed project and therefore it will create jobs in manufacturing and construction and doesn’t need a single penny from the government. This effect of increased demand and supply will also have an effect on other factors in the economy as demand for goods and services in other interrelated industries will increase around the area of the pipeline project. This is called the multiplier effect. It has also been established through scrutiny and survey that it would have a limited detrimental impact on the US economy and would rather enhance the security of the economy. America’s workers want to work with this project which is important even for President Obama (Parformak, Service., & al, 2011). The four International Unions are also committed to work on this project as soon as the President gives the green light. Canada is a new player in the world energy market with the newly discovered oil sands. The current pipelin e is finding it difficult to keep up with the new discoveries and bulk of oil. Also Canada and U.S are strong trading partners; however Canada is in strong demand now due to this new discovery of oil sands and if US keeps delaying the construction of this pipeline project, Canada will give in to the oil hungry world that seems to show more interest. And these energy sources are a stable energy source and therefor US should realize this and agree soon. This can also break the OPEC hold and if Obama

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Terrorist Finance Tracking Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Terrorist Finance Tracking Program - Essay Example According to  Terrorist Finance Tracking Program: Fact Sheet  (2006),   The United States â€Å"Treasury department is uniquely positioned to track terrorist money flows and assist in the broader US Government effects to uncover terrorist cells and map terrorist networks here at home and around the world† (PP. 4). In order to ensure the success of this program utilizes SWIFT. According to  Legal Authorities Underlying the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program  (n.d. ). â€Å"SWIFT-a Belgium-based company with U.S. offices that operates a worldwide messaging system used to transmit bank transaction information- seeking information on suspected international terrorists† (PP. 6).The United States government uses subpoenas in order to view this information. Based upon the terms of the subpoenas the United States government is allowed to view this information only in regards to suspected terrorist investigations. The information obtained by SWIFT is legally obtained in accordance with The International Emergency Economic Powers Act. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act was established in 1977. The President only during a time of national emergency may put forth this act in order to investigate financial transfers by means of banks and other relevant financial transactions in reg ards to a foreign individual suspected of being associated or being a terrorist. In regards to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks former United States president George W. Bush issued executive order 13224 declaring an international emergency as future terrorist attacks were suspected. Subpoenas issued are in compliance with the United States Constitution’s fourth amendment as investigations of potential terrorists and relevant documents to terrorism are obtainable through subpoenas issued by Congress. In addition neither The Foreign Intelligence

Friday, August 23, 2019

Introduction to Nursing Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Introduction to Nursing Science - Essay Example In my view, nursing involves protection, optimization and promotion of people’s abilities and health. Professional nurse and characteristics Professional nurse refers to an individual who have undergone necessary training to become a nurse. As a challenging profession, dedication is a critical characteristic, and nurses need to be calm in order to handle multiple problems. System thinking is also paramount in order to offer the best care to all patients (Arizona State Board of Nursing, 2003). Another essential characteristic is the ability to offer patient-centered care. This is because every nurse is required to care for patients in every health care system. Last, but not the least is the ability to be religious and ethnic sensitive. Professional nurses care for people from different religions and cultures and should therefore demonstrate the ability to accommodate varied practices while adhering to professional standards. PART B How common stereotypes differ from realities o f nursing Stereotype as a cognitive framework refers to traits that are attributed to an entire group of people. According to Alford, et al. (1995), stereotypes are described as ‘pictures in our heads’. Stereotypes in nursing reflect the profession by closing the gap between its colorful image and the reality. The idea of self-sacrifice and philanthropic nature of this profession perpetuates the view that pay is irrelevant since one obtains satisfaction from caring the sick. However, similar to other professions, nurses also deserve remuneration for services rendered. Secondly, the growing number of highly qualified nurses is continually seen as a threat to doctors’ monopoly. Contrary to this belief, the nursing profession has made it clear that both doctors and nurses perform their professional work independently. Two roles that nurses have that the public might not be aware of Nurses work closely with doctors to help prevent medication errors and facilitate a r eduction of infection rates. In addition, the health care systems are presently allowing nurses to liaise with administrators to help strike the right balance by providing the best clinical care at controlled cost. More importantly, nurses are now playing a vital role by offering patients health education, a role that was previously carried out by social workers. A role model nursing theorist Florence Nightgale, the founder of modern nursing was dedicated to offering care for sick people. Nightgale’s nursing theory emphasized on the healing properties of the physical environment, that is, light, fresh air, cleanliness and warmth. This theory was based on the relationship nursing had with external influences to suppress and prevent diseases (National League for Nursing, 2010). The goal was to help patients maintain their vitality by controlling the environment. The reason behind choosing Nightgale’s theory of environment is that environment affects health, and it is one of the nurse's goal to providing adequate light, fresh air, cleanliness and warmth to enhance environment in order to facilitate the patient's reparative process. PART C The nature of nurses’ work It is not entirely right to claim that nurses follow doctors’ orders. Even though this has been the saying dating back to early history of this profession, nurses focus more on a humanized aspects of health care. Undeniably, it is true that nurses collaborate with doctors on medical management of patients, but nurses do more than only working on disease path physiology. In this respect, provision of nursing care involves offering therapeutic care, executing health care procedures and techniques among

Strategic Analysis of Costa Coffee Market Entry to Azerbaijan Assignment

Strategic Analysis of Costa Coffee Market Entry to Azerbaijan - Assignment Example The chosen country is Azerbaijan which is located in Southwestern Asia, bordering the Caspian Sea, between Iran and Russia, with a small European portion north of the Caucasus range. (CIA 2012). It is of utmost importance that the company finds the niche factors that will guaranty its successful entry in Azerbaijan. Initial to the process is a research that analyzes the market. Objectives to be met are: a) to discover any advantage Costa Coffee may have over its competitors; b) To find if there is an unmet need or underserved needs of customers; and c) find the right segment. To complete the analysis, use of Michel Porter's model of analysis is prescribed. 1. Consumer Demographics. Azerbaijan has a total population of 9,643,000 as of 2011 (CIA). It is composed of 3,436,459 females and 3,307,88l males in the bracket of ages 15-64 and a male population of 227,172 and 367,675 bracket of 65 years and above. Population is composed of Azeri 90.6%, Dagestani 2.2%, Russian 1.8%, Armenian 1.5%, other 3.9% (1999 census). Population growth rate is 1.017% with a rank of 114 in world comparison. Baku, its capital holds 1.9 million people. 2. Product/service. Tea and coffee remain to be the favorite hot drinks in Azerbaijan. Euromonitor (2012) reports tea is consumed by almost 100% of its citizens, while coffee remains to be one of the stable areas in hot drinks, Multinationals strongly positioned here are Nestle, Unilever, and Ahmad due to the popularity of their brands. Brand loyalty is very strong in coffee. Their business structures are general partnership agreement with an LLC for Nestle, a trading company for Unilever, and corporation for Ahmad coffee. 3. Distribution channel. Hot tea and coffee products are sold in supermarkets and independent stores.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wrestling and Reality Culture Essay Example for Free

Wrestling and Reality Culture Essay Live tonight, an Inferno match between the Undertaker and Kane! Plus, an evening gown match, the loser gets stripped down to their panties and bra! What kind of show would produce such insane events? Does America really care to see these events take place? Not only is this type of show acceptable, but it has become a cultural phenomenon. Some people may say That must be some sort of filth found on the Spice channel! However, this phenomenon is known as professional wrestling. Why do Americans accept this form of entertainment, even if they know it is morally incorrect? Currently, professional wrestling among males and females of all ages is extremely popular across America. Wrestling fans participate in the phenomenon when attending wrestling events, live or televised, wearing clothing depicting wrestlers or wrestling organizations, as well as by communicating with other wrestling fans. There are numerous wrestling magazines which a fan can purchase to learn more about the sport spectacle, and millions of various collectibles and toys connected to professional wrestling have been sold since the sport gained tremendous popularity in the mid-1980s. Wrestling fans can even surf the web and find results, biographies, pictures, interviews, and news on all of their favorite wrestlers and organizations. Professional wrestling has always been labeled as entertainment for Rednecks or some obscure group of individuals. People always considered wrestling fake and mindless, suitable for those with simple minds. However, the popularity of wrestling has exploded over the last three years and captivates audiences of all ages. As of late, WWF Raw by the World Wrestling Federation is the most popular show on cable television. If a person were to examine the underlying images that are being portrayed in the programs, they may be surprised to learn just exactly what attracts so many to the screen. The World Wrestling Federation contains life-like storylines that continue for several weeks, very similar to daytime soap operas. The violence, attitudes, language, and sexual material in pro-wrestling are all clearly used to capture the minds of the audience. The World Wrestling Federation takes life-like topics and turns them into angles that involve several different wrestlers. Some of the topics that have been used include a disgruntled employee getting revenge on his boss, a wrestlers obsession with sex, a controversial cancer angle, a wedding turned wrong, a wrestler grabbing the genitals of an opponent, and even drunken old women fighting each other. In my opinion, the angle involving cancer, although a real-life topic, should not have taken place. Too many people have loved ones who suffer with cancer, and it just was not appropriate to portray this on television. Nonetheless, in this angle, the father of a wrestler (The Big Show) is diagnosed with cancer. However, another wrestler (Big Boss Man) does many evil things to make the life of the Big Show miserable. The Boss Man sends a messenger to the Big Show telling him his father is dead, when in reality, he is not. Eventually, the Big Shows father dies, and a funeral is planned. The funeral is held outside, which set up a very disturbing, but strangely funny scene. As the Big Show is mourning the loss of his father, the Boss Man drives a car through the funeral, and hits the Big Show. The Boss Man ties the casket to the back of his car, and proceeds to drive away, with the casket dragging behind. The Big Show gets up and sees this, and jumps on the moving casket. Up until this point, the cancer angle seemed very serious and sad, but having the Big Show casket surfing lightens the mood. Revenge will be sweet, as the Big Show will end up beating the Boss Man to a bloody mess. In reality, none of this is true, but the whole story is extremely shocking, and draws the attention of many. The topics are even more outrageous than an episode of the Jerry Springer show. This type of entertainment has attracted millions of loyal fans, and extremely high cable ratings on Monday and Thursday nights. Professional wrestling ranks second just behind Monday Night Football in the Nielsen Ratings. Although this type of outrageous behavior may upset many people, it is accepted widely and enjoyed by millions of teenagers and adults across America. People in America have become desensitized to sex and violence by having organizations such as the WWF making it appear O.K. on television. Although it is immoral and not yet accepted by society, pornography is rampant in America, with strip clubs and porn shops situated in the same areas as family shopping centers. Violence can be seen everywhere, especially in the evening news. Wrestling takes the two biggest topics of American society, and turns them into a two hour show. Americans accept this and are willing to watch or pay to see the action. Although many wrestling fans such as myself view the show and see it as pure entertainment, there are many more people who believe what they see. Sadly, these type of people make up a large portion of wrestling fans. Because of this, many nations see Americans as ignorant and shallow. Critics claim that wrestling is a Cultural Phenomenon which embodies all of the negative aspects of American culture. People who are willing to watch a man rolling around in feces or someone falling twenty feet from a cage into a wooden table instead of doing something that could be potentially productive does not say much for American society. Opponents of professional wrestling may also say that the direction and values of American culture are quickly deteriorating, in part, due to a cultural phenomenon such as professional wrestling. As long as Americans demand instant gratification and the quick fixes of raunchy entertainment, phenomena such as wrestling will be around to act as mindless distractions from the real world. The critics of wrestling have not stopped its tremendous success across the world. Wrestling can be seen as a form of entertainment, just as movies and sports represent the same kind of enjoyment to viewers. Wrestling is not the cause of societys deterioration, as it is meant to please viewers across America. One form of entertainment is not going to cause American society to crumble. Wrestling used to represent good guy vs. bad guy. Times have changed, and now, everyone cheers for wrestlers such as The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin who portray qualities that the fans appreciate. The Rock is extremely popular, due to his coolness factor. Everytime he gets on the microphone, he promises to Lay The Smackdown on Someones Candyass and things of that nature. He always praises the fans, and considers himself the Peoples Champion. Because of his popularity, it doesnt matter if he wrestles a good guy or a bad guy. Fans like someone they can cheer, but would not cheer someone who appears corny, like a superhero type character. Professional wrestling never has any repeats, and always keeps a fresh, new storyline. That may be the biggest reason why people keep tuning in to this phenomenon. When it comes down to watching either a rerun of Ally McBeal or a live WWF Raw, many people would choose to watch something new, such as WWF Raw. American society is constantly evolving, and over time, all people need to accept the changes that it goes through, whether positive or negative. Work Cited Pioch, Nicolas. Realism. January 1, 1996. (December 16, 1999) Roberts, J.M. The Penguin History of the World. London, England : Helicon Publishing, 1992. Ross, Cilla. June, 1999. Greek Democracy in Practice. (December 18, 1999) Uffizi Gallery. Michelangelo Buonarroti. September, 1998. (December 18, 1999)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) For Vehicles

Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) For Vehicles During deceleration, traditional brake of a vehicle transforms the kinetic energy into thermal energy. This is due to the fact that when brakes are applied the friction between the brakes shoe or the calliper as used in modern disc brakes and the wheel not only restricts the motion of the wheel but at the same time a lot of heat energy is generated due to this braking action. Unfortunately there is a huge waste of the generated energy in the form of heat as a large amount of it dissipates into the air. Hence in order to make use of this heat energy, the idea of kinetic energy recovery for vehicles has been explored. Although this system is in use in motorsport and other few selected high performance fields, method like using regenerative brake to generate electric energy is already used in hybrid cars. However, transforming the mechanical energy into an electrical form has a limited efficiency and is not an easy task, but requires complex mechanical systems. Working By using acceleration sensor controlled gear box, acceleration and deceleration could be performed by the transfer of mechanical energy between the vehicle and its energy storing unit, thus reduce energy consumption. The design contains three basic parts: a control unit, an infinitely continuously variable transmission gearbox and an energy storing unit. There are two possible solutions for the energy storing unit: a big torsion spring or a flywheel. Both the two solutions work with the system. THE SPRING SYSTEM: During deceleration of a train, instead of using break, the wheels are connected to a torsion spring with the help of the gearbox. This in turn transforms the kinetic energy into the springs potential energy. However, the spring does not provide constant torque, according to Hookes law. In order to perform stable deceleration, the sensor controlled gearbox changes the gear ratio through a continuously variable transmission mechanism. The desired deceleration rate is determined by the driver. The acceleration sensor senses the actual deceleration rate and gives accurate feedback. Through a feedback control loop, the gear ratio is adjusted continuously and deceleration rate can be maintained at the desired level. In cases when spring has its maximum load, normal braking is activated. When the train stops, the spring will be held. When the train starts again, instead of using its engine or motor, the gear box connects the spring to the wheels but in an opposite way to drive the train. T he acceleration torque provided by the spring decreases with the release of the spring. Again, through sensor feedback control loop, the transmission gear ratio is adjusted continuously to maintain the acceleration rate. Once the spring is fully released, the motor is again activated. THE FLYWHEEL SYSTEM: System with a flywheel works in a similar way. Energy is stored into the wheel by increasing of the spinning speed. In order to provide constant torque transmission gear ratio need to change. With the implementation of acceleration feedback control, the braking output could be adjusted through changing the transmission gear ratio. The kinetic energy could be completely (except the loss on bearings and transmission gears) stored during braking and given back during acceleration. This system could work with both combustion engines and electric motors. Thus the limited energy recourses could be saved. KERS is essentially an energy-storing flywheel attached to an efficient Continuously Variable Transmission. Under braking, energy that would usually be expended as heat is instead used to accelerate the flywheel. When needed the power can then be used to augment that of the internal combustion engine What makes the system green isnt the added performance, but the use of energy that has traditionally been wasted. Working and Specification Kinetic Energy Recovery System  (KERS) is the word which is being associated with Formula 1 cars and has been in the Headlines for quite a while. All 2010 Formula 1 cars feature KERS as an integral part after it was made mandatory by FIA to be installed and is currently being manufactured by  Flybrid Systems. What is KERS? KERS  as the name suggests is an energy recovery system also known as regenerative system but importantly the KERS is quite advanced than the conventional energy recovery systems. The mechanism functions in a way that it reduces the speed of the vehicle by converting some of its kinetic energy and/or potential energy( in case of elevations) and storing it into a useful form of energy instead of dissipating it as heat as seen in conventional dynamic braking system. Technically KERS can be defined as an Electric generation, storage, and propulsion system generating electricity during slow down or braking, storing it in batteries, and later assisting the gasoline engine by boosting acceleration with the help of electric drive motors. The device will be installed in F1 cars to save energy utilized while braking, store it and further use it when required. KERS is of two types one mechanical and the other electrical. What does KERS contains? The system basically consists of a CVT( Continuously Variable Transmission ) unit , a clutch, an epicyclic gearbox and a flywheel (The mechanical type contains a FLYWHEEL to retain power while the Electrical type contains an electric motor twinned with a BATTERY or CAPACITOR or FLYWHEEL) Working of Kinetic Energy Recovery System The engine drives the KERS system and it is coupled with the drivetrain. The drive comes into the CVT unit which effectively changes the gear ratio in accordance with the flywheel and rotates the flywheel. The control pistons seamlessly change the gear ratios between the input and the flywheel moving at a much faster rate than the actual drive (5:1 ratio at 64,000 rpm). The amount of energy stored or released depends upon the torque transfer taking place within the CVT unit, which is controlled by the position of the levers. Conclusion KERS is a particularly appealing proposition for road-going vehicles because of its lack of weight and relative simplicity over the energy storing systems in current hybrids like the Toyota Prius. KERS doesnt need batteries and is therefore free of their weight and the environmental impact that comes from creating and disposing of them. In city riding KERS would have a significant impact on emissions, providing emissions-free power for initial acceleration away from stoplights and similar. In performance applications the system could provide on-demand extra power for overtaking or accelerating hard out of corners, using power that wouldve normally been wasted as brake heat on corner entry. More power using less fuel can be easily achieved.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Walmart Business Analysis

Walmart Business Analysis Contents (Jump to) Walmart’s Current Strategy Organizational structure, culture, and control systems SWOT Analysis for Walmart Porter’s Five Analysis of Walmart Key Strategic Issues at Walmart Personal SWOT Analysis Financial Analysis of Walmart Recommendations Walmart store Inc. is not only the retail giant, but also is the largest grocery chain in the world. Walmart store Inc. was founded in 1962. Samuel Walton and his brother J.L. Walton open their first Walmart Discount City in Rogers, Arkansas (Walmart History, 2010). For Walmart store Inc., their common mission is: Save people money so they can live better (Walmart corporate, 2010). Compared with their main competitors such as Target and K mart, Walmarts 2009 sales were almost 50% more. Because of its giant size and buying power, Walmart can buy its products at very low prices, exchanging high purchase volumes for low cost then passing the savings onto its customers (Wikinvest Walmart, 2010). Walmart has 8,900 stores around the world in three different business segments of retail stores that including: Walmart stores, Sams Club and Walmart international. All of them offer different kinds of merchandises including electronic appliances, groceries, furniture, apparel and health beauty stuffs etc. For their business segment, they have over 54% of the companys stores are located in the United States, and the others international stores are mainly located in central and south America and China. The company mainly focuses on offering the lowest prices to attract its consumers. Walmart totally earned $408 billion revenue in 2010, increase 1% compare to 2009 (Wikinvest Walmart, 2010). In 2009, Walmart earned $255.7 billion in the domestic segment of the companys revenue. For Walmart stores segment are further categories into three different formats including: Supercenters, Discount stores and Neighborhood Stores. For the Sams club, it is the second largest membership-only retailer club ( Costco is the first largest membership-only retailer) in United States belong to Walmart Inc., their main customers mostly are offices, convenience stores, motels, restaurants and schools etc. (Wikinvest Walmart, 2010). For now, Walmart has total 3,121 international stores all over the world including in Mexico, Japan, Canada, China and countries in central and South America. However, recently Walmart begins to slow down their growth rate in the United State and turn their main focus onto its international stores to develop growth. For international stores locations altogether earned total $98.6 billion revenue in 2009, compared to the sales of 2008, is increased 9.1% (Wikinvest Walmart, 2010). Strategic History of the Industry The whole retail industry in the United States has over $4 trillion annual revenue. The main retail companies are including Walmart, Home Depot, Kroger, Costco, and Target. Some of the large companies dominate some retail sectors such as mass merchandisers and grocery stores, other sectors like auto dealers and convenience stores are fragmented. However, retail industry still has many small and specialty retailers are single-store operations (Hoover, 2011). The economy deeply affects the retail demand. In other words, retail demand depends on the economy. Many different kinds of economic factors such as job growth, recession, personal income, consumer confidence and interest rates can strongly affect consumer spending behavior. When during recessionary periods, the bad economy can affect the retail sales growth rate slow drastically or even sales revenue decline. While the retail spending grows rapidly when in the period of strong economy growth, for example consumers will spend more on grocery when they have more income. However, the rising interest rates will affect consumer purchase behavior and consumer ability to finance large amount of purchase such as purchasing cars (Hoover, 2011). Strategic History of Walmart Store Inc. In the early stage of strategic history for Walmart, they always unchanged their vision always low price for their customers. Until 1990s, Walmart announced that they planned to go global. They wanted to look for international markets for the reasons as following: First of all, Walmart has facing very strong competition in United States such as Target and K mart. These two firms had aggressive expanding their business and had started sharing Walmarts market share. Secondly, the market in the United States is already saturated; it was becoming difficult for the company to continue its growth rate. Thirdly, the US population is accounted for only 4% of the worlds population and if they want to expand their global market, China had the potential massive growth due to their huge population of over 1.3 billion people. The last reason is, globalization opened up new markets in China and created opportunities for discount stores such as Walmart (Walmarts Cost Leadership Strategy, 2004). On the other hand, Walmart is using the strategy that cooperates with local suppliers to purchase their products, even though the organizational culture is standardized with the home country. This strategy is not only use to the products purchasing, but also adapted to the local cultures and stores decoration and designed are also changed to meet local taste all around the world (Walmarts Cost Leadership Strategy, 2004). Organizational mission statement As we know, the mission statement for Walmart is every day low price. In order to insist their mission, Walmart implemented three approaches in the market. First, it increased the local purchasing in order to reduce the purchasing costs and also suit consumers needs in different places. Secondly, it maintained a good relationship with their suppliers, satisfied them by paying within 3-7 days during its initial years. Thirdly, it established distribution centers (DC) and computerized its management system to improve efficiency and reduce costs (ICFAI, 2005). Business Level Strategy For these several years, Walmart has been trying hard on expand its stores outside the United States. It through two different to expand their international business market: new store construction and acquisition. Acquisition strategy of supermarket chains had been a part of Walmarts entry and  store expansion strategy in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, China and Great Britain (The Walmart Puzzle, 2008). Over all, the Walmart strategies were including: multiple store segments, lower daily prices, lots of name-brand merchandise, reduce operating costs, emphasized customers satisfied service, wide selection products, disciplined expansion into new geographic markets, and using acquisition to enter foreign market (Walmart Store Inc., 2010). However, no matter Walmart are in which foreign country, their company vision always low prices is never changed. The companys low distribution costs and cost-efficient supply chain management are the big reasons why Walmart is so success and at the same time reduce the products prices. Walmart has get into distribution efficiency compare with their competitors because of its rural store locations. Current strategy for the major operations/functions of the company Current strategies for Walmart are including low costs, high volume, increase customer satisfaction and expansion strategy. Walmart creates name recognition and customer satisfaction, and combined the retailer with the reputation of offering the best prices. They also expand their new business segments to different sectors such as pharmacies, automotive repair, and grocery sales to increase their sales revenue. Expansion strategy: The company realized that building a new store will allow for increase market share value. After their success in the rural areas, Walmart moved to urban areas and then moved to surrounding areas. The expansion strategy made Walmart the number one retail store in the United States. As Walmart continue its expansion domestically, the firm decided to go international. Furthermore, Walmart realized that acquiring an existing retail firm is necessary for expand domestic and international markets. Therefore, Walmart by acquire retail store which enable to expand locally and internationally. Always low prices make customers live better strategy is believed the strongest strategy used by Walmart. The firm developed the idea of dealing directly with the manufacturer and with the power control by Walmart will enable it to get the best deal from the manufacturers and suppliers. Organizational structure, culture, and control systems Saving people money to help them live better was the mission for Walmart. Hence, Walmart negotiates different suppliers and understanding their cost structure in order to reduce the price. Walmart has to be certain that the manufacturers were doing their best to cut down costs. Also, Walmart believed in establishing a long-term relationship with their suppliers. Walmart had 129 distribution centers located at different locations all over the US. Over 80,000 items were stocked in these centers. Walmarts own warehouses directly supplied 85 percent of the inventory, as compared to 50-65 % for competitors. Shipping costs for Walmart is about 3 % which is lower than its competitors, 5%. The distribution centers ensured a steady and consistent flow of products to support the supply function (Walmarts Cost Leadership Strategy, 2004). Walmarts logistics infrastructure was its fast and successful transportation system. The distribution centers were serviced by more than 3,500 company owned trucks. To make its distribution process more efficient, Walmart also uses a logistics technique called cross-docking. In this system, the finished goods were directly picked up from the manufacturing plant from suppliers, and then directly supplied to the customers. The system reduced the handling and storage of finished goods, eliminating the role of the distribution centers and stores (Walmarts Cost Leadership Strategy, 2004). SWOT Analysis for Walmart Store Inc. (S)trengths Reputation Brand Name: Walmart is a powerful brand and pioneer in the retail industry with the wide spread network of stores. It has a reputation for low price, convenience and a wide range of products all in one store for customers. Walmart has captured about 10% of the retail market in the U.S. and continues to expand. Walmart stores continue to open all over the country making Walmart a household name. Walmart has also been widely acknowledged for its social responsibility actions. The company has donated to a variety of charitable organizations and has been accredited for bringing jobs and wealth to less developed communities. Offer Low Prices: Walmart uses its enormous size and buying power to pressure its suppliers into extremely low prices, offering orders of high volumes of merchandise in exchange for low prices. The good thing about Walmart is that its shifts the low cost advantage to customers and available the products at lower prices. It has loyal customer base because it meets the expectation of customer by always delivering the goods at lower prices at compare to its competitors. Expand Global Market: Walmart has aggressively expands its international market over the past few years and has experienced global expansion. For example its purchase of the United Kingdom based retailer ASDA. Technology: Technology is strength to Walmart with its inventory control system that was recognized as the most sophisticated in retailing. The technology linked all the stores to the headquarters and the companys distribution centers. It also enables the warehouse of which the goods are ordered, and direct the flow of goods to the store and proper shelves. Supply chain and logistics management: Supply chain and logistics management are one of the strengths of Walmart. This allows Walmart to utilize the Just- in-time inventory concept and avoid the pilling up inventory to save the extra cost for maintaining inventories in the warehouses. Human Resource: Walmart always keen to provide training to their employees to improve the customer service level. The firm hire locally, provides training programs for its employees. Walmart also gets its employees involve and encourage them to make use of words like: we, us, and ours. It also provides stock ownership and profit sharing with great contribution from the H. R of the firm. Walmart was named one of the best 100 firms to work for. Cross-docking inventory system: Using the cross-dock technique, Walmart was able to effectively leverage their logistical volume into a core strategic competency. Walmart operates an extensive satellite network of distribution centers serviced by company owned trucks. Its satellite network sends point of sale (POS) data directly to 4,000 vendors. Each register is directly connected to a satellite system sending sales information to Walmarts headquarters and distribution centers. (W)eaknesses Employee turnover: Walmart has high employee turnover which costs more money and time for company to train the new employee. Bad publicity: Walmart is currently facing a gender discrimination lawsuit. Their female employees accuses that they were discriminated against in matters regarding pay and promotions. And also, Their female managers were accounted for the minority group in the company. Lock of flexibility: Walmart sell very wide range kinds of products for example like clothes, food, pharmacy or stationary which lack of flexibility compare with other more focused competitors. Other competitors may have the ability to make changes and improve on a certain product lines when the needs of their customers change. Walmart, however, may have too much merchandise and not be able to focus in on sectors that need to be improved. Some products have poor quality: Although Walmart provides low price of products, however, customers sometimes complain about the poor quality of few products. Facing difficulty in International market: It is hard for Walmart to expand their business out of US to totally different countries all around the world. Moreover, Walmart has to facing different culture and customer behavior in different countries, for example Walmart facing difficulty to expand the market in China. (O)pportunities Customers: Because Walmart provides low price to their customers, so they are able to attract more customers. Furthermore, customers basically are able to purchasing everything in one store that satisfied their needs. Walmart 24 hours stores also satisfied their customers. Diversified store types: Walmarts different store types and new locations provide more opportunities to exploit new market. Stores diversified from local, small-based sites to large super centers. International Expansion: No doubt that continued expand the international market is a huge opportunity for Walmart. Walmarts oversea stores have experienced significant growth. There are actually tremendous opportunities for future growth in developing countries and Asian markets than in the United States such as China and India. Creating strategic alliances and licensing agreements with other global retailers are ways to move into different countries. (T)hreats Competition: Walmart faces different strong competitions locally and internationally. Walmart main competitors are including Kmart, Target, Carrefour and Costco wholesale. In 2010, the Net Profit Margin for Walmart is 3.59%, Target 4.22%, Costco wholesale 1.69%, Carrefour 0.38%, respectively (Hoovers, 2010). Target is Walmarts direct competitor in the US, offering a range of general merchandise in a similar store format (Wikinvest, 2010). Economy Recession: The revenue for Walmart is affected by economy recession. Good economy is an opportunity for great business, because customers will have more money to spend. If the economy is great, there will be more jobs and people will shop more. However, if the economy is bad, there will be fewer jobs and people will shop less. Also, with the high price of gasoline and its effect on the economy, Walmart will certainly be affected the most. Strategy imitation: Walmart strengthens its competitive advantage on low-cost products. Other competitors may imitate their low-cost strategy to take over their market shares. Low Brand Loyalty: In the retail industry, customers would like to choose the product with the lowest price. In other words, customers do not care about the brand or which retail stores, if Costco has the exactly same chips that sell cheaper than in the Walmart, then customers will choose to buy the chips in the Costco not Walmart. TOWS MATRIX STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Reputation Brand Name Bad publicity Offer Low Prices Lock of flexibility Expand Global Market Some products have poor quality Technology Facing difficulty in International market Supply chain and logistics management Employee turnover Human Resource Cross-docking inventory system OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES-STRENGTHS OPPORTUNITIES-WEAKNESSES Customers Build on its already efficient distribution system to further expand in the U.S and globally. Walmart should be awareness and strict to control of the quality of the product in order to keep their customers basis. Diversified Store Types Expand diversified store types to International market in order to increase profit in International market. Set higher employment standards through enhanced training to keep their employees have best performance. International Expansion Duplicated the successful delivery logistic management and the distribution centers into International market. Continue to build on cost efficient pricing and production due to expansion. Go into new markets and buy out their local retailers to gain market share. THREATS THREATS-STRENGTHS THREATS-WEAKNESSES Competition Buy raw materials or products from local suppliers to hold a better political status within the local community further to compete with their competitors. Human resource department should set a benefits long-term promotion program or standard and training program for their employees in order to decrease the employee turnover. Economy Recession Create their own brand of products and increase the quality of products in order to establish customers loyalty. Establish joint venture partnerships or long-term relationship with local retail companies to get the advantages in the International segment. Strategy imitation Develop strong RD and technology to enhance the competitive advantage and avoid imitation from other competitors. Low Brand Loyalty Five Forces Analysis for Walmart Store Inc. Threat of entrances Low The threat of new entrance in the grocery and discount retailer industry is very low. New entrants have to face with the strong low-price competition among exist giant retail companies like Walmart, Costco and Target. New entrants need to invest large amount of capitals to establish their brand recognition, service, and variety of product offerings that Walmart, Target, and others competitors continue to improve on each day. In addition, existing companies can drop prices lower in order to force a new competitor out of the market. Therefore, the threat of entrances is low. Power of buyer-High Customers have many choosing opportunities and consider about products very details. They want the product now and they want it with the best service, best quality and reasonable price. Customers also enjoy increasing choice of products and choose one product that has the best quality and better price. For example, if customers find out Target sells an exactly product that has better quality and price than Walmart, and then they will choose to buy it in Target instead of Walmart. Power of Suppliers   Low The bargaining power of suppliers is very low. Walmart is very famous on giving pressure to their suppliers to cut their price lower and lower in order to offer the lowest price to their customers. On the other hand, become the supplier of Walmart is a very fierce competition. In 2004, about 10,000 new suppliers applied to become Walmart vendors. However, only about 200, or 2%, were ultimately accepted by Walmart (Gwendolyn Bounds, The Wall Street Journal). Therefore, the bargaining power of suppliers is low. Rivalry High The competition in the US grocery and discount retailer industry is very high. The main competitors for Walmart in the local market are Kmart and Target. These companies also have to face competition from wholesalers such as BJs, Costco and even the international market such as Carrefour. Walmart has adopted a cost leadership generic strategy. In the past, most companies have not been able to match Walmarts strategy everyday low prices. However, Walmarts barrier to entry (economies of scale) and strength (supply-chain management) can be easily imitated with sufficient resources. Therefore, retailers are in a fierce competition that see who can offer their customers the lowest price. Threat of substitute Low The threat of substitutes in this industry is low because only few companies have ability to offer such a variety of products available instantly and also low prices. One possible substitute is online shopping; however, customers usually do the online shopping for clothes or other stuffs but not for food or grocery shopping. Therefore, the threat of substitute is low. Key Strategic Issues Issue #1: Open too many new stores close to existing stores lead to new stores taking over the market shares from existing stores. Status Quo Wal- Mart depends on opens many new stores and expands into new market to increase the long-term sales and income growth. However, because of Walmarts large size of expansion, new stores are effects the sales on existing stores. For example, Walmart builds a store relatively close to an already existing store, the new store might take away customers from the old store thus decrease the sales in existing stores (Walmart, 2010). Evolutionary Change (Incremental Improvement) In order to solve this problem, Walmart expands their business segment into international market instead of domestic market. For example, Walmart opened 5 times number of stores in the international market in 2010 compared to domestic stores; most of stores are in Mexico, China, and Central America (Walmart, 2010). Revolutionary Change (Huge/Drastic Change) Walmart is also aggressively to open business segments in India if the country opens up the sector to foreign direct investment. India has retail market more than 1 billion; no doubt India is a huge opportunity for Walmart. However, retailers that carry multiple brands (like Walmart) are restricted to wholesale outlets in India. After Indias policy change, Walmart is allowed to expand superstores and generate revenue in India (Walmart, 2010). Specific tactics to implement the strategy Walmart needs to establish long-term relationship or joint venture with local retail company to get into the market in India. Although in 2006, Walmart announced that it had tied up with Bharti Enterprises Ltd. (Bharti) to get into the Indian retail sector. Bharti was a diversified company, and one of the biggest mobile telephone service providers in India (Walmart and the Indian Retail Sector, 2007). However, because of the government policy, the small retailers groups and the Left parties against allowing the company into India are all the barriers that Walmart has to face it. Issue #2: International competitors Status Quo In order to expand and improve the sales revenue for the economy recession especially in the domestic market, Walmart has been aggressively expand its business segment into international market. However, the local big retailers or small retailers groups are against Walmart to get into their market to take over the market shares because of its low price strategy (Walmart, 2010). Evolutionary Change (Incremental Improvement) Improve its supply chain, logistic and technology segment to lower its delivery and operation costs in order to compete with local big retailers such as Britains Tesco, Frances Carrefour, and Germanys Metro (Walmart, 2010). On the other hand, retail business segment is hard to create products differentiation, because commodity products are all the same for customers. The only way that gains the market shares for retail stores is not only low price but also quality of products. Therefore, Walmart should awareness of its quality of products to attract more customers even in the international market. Revolutionary Change (Huge/Drastic Change) Walmart should acquire and purchase the local retail companies in order to get into the international market. On the other hand, establish long-term relationship with local suppliers to have the win-win situation for their cooperation. Specific tactics to implement the strategy In the beginning of year 1, 2 and 3, Walmart should first focus on improving its supply chain, logistic and technology improvement in order to compete with local big retailers on its lower operation, delivery costs and high quality of products. For the long-term tactics, Walmart should deeply penetrate into the local market, understand different cultures and customers behaviors and then cooperate with local suppliers to establish long-term partnership. Personal assessment SWOT Analysis of myself in relation to the organization (What can I offer to the organization?). (S)trengths: International expansion (China): Walmart is extremely aggressively penetrated into the market in China. Also, no doubt that China has 1.3 billion populations which accounted for the most majority population in the world, creates a huge business opportunity for Walmart. Therefore, Walmart needs a manager who can speak fluently Mandarin and English, and really understand about Chinese culture and Chinese customers behavior. Hence, I can offer Walmart my knowledge to develop more opportunity in Chinas market in order to maximize the profits. (W)eaknesses: Lack of working experience: Even though I can speak fluently Mandarin and understand the Chinese culture and customers behavior; however, I still lack of working experiences. I do have some part time working experience such as working in starbucks, but do not have full time working experiences. (O)pportunities: Because of my professional knowledge (bachelor and master degree are both business management) are expertise on this field which can offer Walmart a professional employees or manager. Moreover, my family also has business in China, Hangchow, which makes me has understanding and interested about China. I can provide Walmart establish partnership with local suppliers and establish long-term relationship with them to compete with local retails competitors. (T)hreats: Many applicants around the world: There is still having many talented applicants around the world apply to get into this company. Some of the applicants have high education degree and business knowledge and also have ability to speak many different kinds of languages. Therefore, I am in extremely fierce competition. Not every business segment in Walmart is my expertise: I have weakened and lower advantages compared to local American because of the speaking and cultural differences. Furthermore, the company does business in many different retail formats, including supercenters, food and drugs, general merchandise stores, cash and carry stores, membership warehouse clubs, apparel stores, soft discount stores and restaurants. However, not every business segment in Walmart is in my field of expertise. Financial Analysis 2010 Annual Sales (Figure2-1) (Source: Hoovers, 2011, As you can see in Figure 2-1, this is 2010 annual sales for 4 main retail stores in the United States. They are including Walmart, Target, Costco Wholesale and Carrefour. Walmart has almost $400 billion sales in 2010. Compared to other competitors, annual sales for Walmart was much higher than other companies. Carrefour annual sale in 2010 was around $100 billion. Annual sales for Target and Costco were just around $50 billion in 2010. 2010 Net Profit Margin (Figure2-2) (Source: Hoovers, 2011, In Figure 2-2, net profit margin in 2010 for Walmart was 2.98%. Target was higher than Walmart which had 3.69% net profit margin in 2010. Other two competitors, Costco and Carrefour were both under 1.84% in net profit margin in 2010. Figure 2-3 (Source: Hoovers, 2011, The Return on Asset ratio is useful in measuring how efficiently a company uses its assets to generate profit. By definition, ROA is calculated by dividing the Net Income by the total asset of a company. Refer to Figure 2-3, ROA for Walmart from 2006 to 2010 are much higher than its competitors. Walmarts ROA were around 9% to 10% each year, compared to its competitors which were all much lower than Walmart. This basically means that Walmart utilizes its assets well enough to generate profit in comparison with their competitors. However, ROA in 2007 for Target is higher than Walmart, Target 9.29%, Walmart 9.05%. Targets major competitive advantage over Walmart lies in its customer base: the average household income for Target customers is about $50,000 a year, whereas the average yearly income for a Walmart customer is only $35,000 Figure 2-4 (Source: Hoovers, 2011, The return on Stockholders Equity (ROE) ratio measures the percentage of profit earned on stockholders investment in the company. In other words, return on equity  measures a corporations profitability  by revealing how much  profit a company generates  with the money shareholders have invested.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   In Figure 2-4, ROE for Walmart were around 20% from year 2006 to 2010, compared to other competitors which are higher than others. Figure 2-5 (Source: Hoovers, 2011, Net profit Margin is an indication of how effective a company at cost control

Monday, August 19, 2019

HEALTH AGENCY Essay -- essays research papers fc

This essay will focus upon a critical incident analysis in the context of multi-agency team work and inter-professional working. The details of the incident will be drawn from the authors recent experience with the Community Housing Support Team, in particular from Care Programme Approach meetings. The names of both clients and staff, as well as details pertaining to their locale have been changed or omitted to comply with the UKCC’s Code of Professional Conduct, Clause 10, (UKCC, 1992). The situation used within this assignment is based upon two clients who co-habit in a first floor maisonette as common law husband and wife. Mr Client has a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia which is controlled with xenobiotics and is the main carer for Mrs Client who has a diagnosis of chronic schizophrenia also controlled by xenobiotics that are administered by Mr Client. Mrs Client also has a prolapse of the uterus which causes her to suffer from double incontinence. Arrangements have been made for Mrs Client to have the required operation to repair the problem, however prior to admission Mrs Client becomes very anxious and has twice refused to have the operation. Both clients have a poor dietary intake, poor personal hygiene, high caffeine intake, and a heavy smoking habit. The conditions that the clients are now living in due to the above being ongoing for some time are now less than satisfactory, and to that end the present situation and what should be done about it, has become the primary focus of the various professionals and agencies involved in care of the clients. Each client has their own keyworker representative from the agencies and professionals involved in their care, these are a community psychiatric nurse (CPN), social worker, and a member of the housing support team (HST). Both the clients have home care workers visiting as part of the social work input, and they also share the same general practitioner (GP), and psychiatric consultant. Housing support team input was on a daily basis with both clients and their role was to assist the clients with shopping and encourage the clients to use leisure facilities and local transport. The housing support team although referred to separately within this essay are officially part of the social work team, as this is the source of their funding. The social work keyworkers roles were to visit the clients on a reg... ...989) The Nurse Executive and Interdisciplinary Team Building. Nursing Administration Quarterly. Volume 13, Number 2, Pages 24-30. HUBER.D, (1996), Leadership and Nursing Care Management. W.B. Saunders Company, USA. HUDSON.B, (1987), Collaboration in Social Welfare: A Framework for Analysis. Policy and Politics. Volume 19, Number 4, Page 243-256. JOHNSON.M, (1994), Conflict and Nursing Professionalization. Mosby, St Louis. ÆVRETVEIT.J, MATHIAS.P, & THOMPSON.T, (eds), (1997), Interprofessional Working for Health and Social Care. MacMillan Publishers LTD, Hong Kong. SMITH.R et al, (1993), Working Together for Better Community Care. SAUS Publications, Bristol. UKCC, (1992), Code of Professional Conduct. Clause 10. 3rd Edition. United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting, London. WEBB.A, (1991), Co-ordination, A Problem in Public Sector Management. Policy and Politics. Volume 19, Number 4, Page 229-242. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ROPER.N, LOGAN.W, & TIERNEY.A.J, (1986). The Elements of Nursing. Churchill Livingstone, London. LYTTLE.J, (1994) Mental Disorder - Its Care & Treatment. Bailliere Tindall, London. SELIGMAN.M, (1991). Learned Optimism. New York. HEALTH AGENCY Essay -- essays research papers fc This essay will focus upon a critical incident analysis in the context of multi-agency team work and inter-professional working. The details of the incident will be drawn from the authors recent experience with the Community Housing Support Team, in particular from Care Programme Approach meetings. The names of both clients and staff, as well as details pertaining to their locale have been changed or omitted to comply with the UKCC’s Code of Professional Conduct, Clause 10, (UKCC, 1992). The situation used within this assignment is based upon two clients who co-habit in a first floor maisonette as common law husband and wife. Mr Client has a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia which is controlled with xenobiotics and is the main carer for Mrs Client who has a diagnosis of chronic schizophrenia also controlled by xenobiotics that are administered by Mr Client. Mrs Client also has a prolapse of the uterus which causes her to suffer from double incontinence. Arrangements have been made for Mrs Client to have the required operation to repair the problem, however prior to admission Mrs Client becomes very anxious and has twice refused to have the operation. Both clients have a poor dietary intake, poor personal hygiene, high caffeine intake, and a heavy smoking habit. The conditions that the clients are now living in due to the above being ongoing for some time are now less than satisfactory, and to that end the present situation and what should be done about it, has become the primary focus of the various professionals and agencies involved in care of the clients. Each client has their own keyworker representative from the agencies and professionals involved in their care, these are a community psychiatric nurse (CPN), social worker, and a member of the housing support team (HST). Both the clients have home care workers visiting as part of the social work input, and they also share the same general practitioner (GP), and psychiatric consultant. Housing support team input was on a daily basis with both clients and their role was to assist the clients with shopping and encourage the clients to use leisure facilities and local transport. The housing support team although referred to separately within this essay are officially part of the social work team, as this is the source of their funding. The social work keyworkers roles were to visit the clients on a reg... ...989) The Nurse Executive and Interdisciplinary Team Building. Nursing Administration Quarterly. Volume 13, Number 2, Pages 24-30. HUBER.D, (1996), Leadership and Nursing Care Management. W.B. Saunders Company, USA. HUDSON.B, (1987), Collaboration in Social Welfare: A Framework for Analysis. Policy and Politics. Volume 19, Number 4, Page 243-256. JOHNSON.M, (1994), Conflict and Nursing Professionalization. Mosby, St Louis. ÆVRETVEIT.J, MATHIAS.P, & THOMPSON.T, (eds), (1997), Interprofessional Working for Health and Social Care. MacMillan Publishers LTD, Hong Kong. SMITH.R et al, (1993), Working Together for Better Community Care. SAUS Publications, Bristol. UKCC, (1992), Code of Professional Conduct. Clause 10. 3rd Edition. United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting, London. WEBB.A, (1991), Co-ordination, A Problem in Public Sector Management. Policy and Politics. Volume 19, Number 4, Page 229-242. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ROPER.N, LOGAN.W, & TIERNEY.A.J, (1986). The Elements of Nursing. Churchill Livingstone, London. LYTTLE.J, (1994) Mental Disorder - Its Care & Treatment. Bailliere Tindall, London. SELIGMAN.M, (1991). Learned Optimism. New York.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Women Of Castigliones The Courtier And Machiavellis The Prince :: essays research papers

Essay on Woman Leader Machiavelli and Castiglione both present the epitome of perfection in their topics of leadership and the way a women should be, respectively. In the case of Castiglione's work, it is stated by signor Gaspare that " the way people sometimes hanker after things that are impossible and miraculous, rather then explain them you (Magnifico) have wished them into existence." This quote is true of both excerpts. Both have created idealisms that are of perfection; however, both do also allow for imperfection. Again in the excerpt from Castiglione's work where Magnifico states "...because man is more robust, more quickly agile and more able to endure toil..." shows the obvious imperfections of the female gender. Machiavelli, on the topic of leadership, also talks of imperfections: "The new prince - above all other princes - cannot escape being called cruel, since new governments about in dangers." Leaders therefore are left to the mercy of their own imperfect ions and the imperfections of the human spirit. Perfection, even mixed in with a few imperfections, is very hard to meet. One would have to be of the offspring of God to meet some of the qualities mentioned. However, far from the offspring of God, there is another that comes close to many of the generalizations stated. She is a leader behind a leader and is probably one of the strongest women of her time. First, Mrs. Clinton as a leader possesses many of the qualities mentioned by Machiavelli; such as her toughness and appearance of good morals. In Castiglione's realm, she matches the qualities of dignity and strong virtues. Hillary Clinton clearly shows qualities mentioned in both excerpts regarding her position as a leader and as a woman. First, Hillary Clinton as a leader possesses a great number of qualities mentioned by Machiavelli, one of which is represented in her handling of the Whitewater scandal. Machiavelli gives and example of how it is important to, "in order to keep his position, act contrary to the truth." Mrs. Clinton most likely lied about her involvement in the scandal in order to "keep her position" as a leader. Mrs. Clinton also fits true to what Machiavelli says about appearance: " is not necessary actually to have all the above-mentioned qualities, but it is very necessary to appear to have them"; the qualities being: merciful, trustworthy, humane, blameless, and religious. The first lady appears to be trustworthy, in that she holds true to her contract of marriage although her husband has made and abomination of the sacred agreement.